Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

the secret movie

 The secret movie

Nama                   : Rica Purnama Sari

Kelas                    : 2SA02
NPM                     : 18611369

chapter 1: The Secret Revealed
It introduces the reader to several "experts" in the use of the Law of Attraction.  
Apparently everyone knew about his except for us. The premise of this chapter (and of the whole book) is that your thoughts attract other similar thougths and circumstances, therefore, your thoughts create your reality.  That is, if you think you have bad luck you will have bad luch and more of it. The good thing is that the opposite is also true.  Your thoughts send out a frequency to the universe and the universe responds to that frequency by bringin to you more of the same.  "Your thoughts become things".

chapter 2 : The Secret Made Simple

The Law of Attraction is always there - just like the laws of gravity and other physical laws of the universe.  Emotions are like your gauge that tells you how you are feeling, and thinking. That is, even if you think that you are going to win the lottery, if your gut tells you that the odds are against you, you will not win.  That is, you have to believe, beyond any doubt thatyou will win.  If you don't "feel" the confidence you are not there with your thoughts.   You have to feel good to know that you are in the right frequency required.  If you are feelingbad, immediately make yourself feel good by listening to your favorite music, feeling thankful for something you already have, or emitting the strongest of feelings - love.

chapter 3 : How to use the Secret

The Law of Attraction grants every wish you ask. There are 3 simple steps in the Creative Process: ASK, BELIEVE, AND RECEIVE. Believing is an important part becasue if you don't truly believe that you can get what you ask for, you won't emit the proper "frequency" to the universe. It takes no time and no effort for the universe to respond to what you ask for. Therefore, if you want money, it is just as easy for the Universe to give you 1 Million dollars as it is to give you 1 dollar. However, it is wise to test out the law by asking for something small at first and then go to the bigger items. This will build your confidence in your power as well.

Chapter 4 : Powerful Processes

Expectation is a powerful force. Therefore, expect what you want, not what you don't want. Gratitude is also a powerful force. By being grateful, you send out a more powerful signal to the universe. Visualization also serves this purpose. The universe will then return the reality as you saw it in your mind. This has been preached forever by past leaders. Make the Law of Attraction a habit, not just a onece-in-a-while thing. At the end of each day or at the beginning, or both, review what you did not like and immediately focus on how to make things better. This will change your frame of thinking and attract to you what you want.

Chapter 5: The Secret to Money

The same principles apply to Money. Don't focus on lack of money or the many bills you get daily. Focus instead on wealth, and plenty of it. You have to believe you already have it and feel good about having it. You must tell yourself "I can afford that" instead of the popular "I can't afford that!". Also, give money in order to get money. By doing this you are telling the universe that you have plenty of money in your pocket. Therefore, you will attract more money. Also, visualize checks arriving in your mailbox, as opposed to bills. Be positive and proactive.

Chapter 6 : The Secret to Relationships

To attract relationships, make sure that your thoughts are positive on this subject. Also, make sure to align all other non-verbal communications. That is, your thoughts, words, actions, and surroundings. An example given in the book (of many) is to not park your car in the middle of your driveway. This tells potential partners that you don't have room for their car. Instead, part it to one side, thus allowing for the second vehicle :) Treat yourself with Love and respect to attract the same. Love yourself first and the Law of Attraction will send you more love. Also, focus on your partner's strengths not their weaknesses. Appreciate the qualities of others. Be positive and believe in your power.

Chapter 7 : The Secret to Health

Patients get cured from believing that a pill will cure them. The placebo effect. That is, it's not the medicine itself, but the thought that the medicine is effective is what counts. To have good health, focus on good health. Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity and leads to miraculous cures. I guess laughter is the best medicine. Disease is a mental state that is fed by fear, and the constant reminder and talking about it. To prevent it or cure it, just turn your thoughts to positive outcomes and health and eternal youth. Do not listen to society'snegative messages about desease and aging. Avoid talking about disease or joining others when they discuss diseases.

Chapter 8 : The Secret to the World

If you resist something, you will actually attract it. To change this, go within yourself and emit a new signal with thoughts and feelings. Focus on trust, love, abundance, peace. Don't focus on the negativity of our present world. Life is meant to be abundant, and THERE IS ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE. Your thoughts and feelings will allow you to tap onto this unlimited supply. Praise and bless everything and everyone. This will allow you to align with the highest frequency available - LOVE.

Chapter 9 : The Secret to You

Everything is Energy - including you. Recall from Science class that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed". You are a magnet and can attract everything you want. The Universe emerges from thought. We are the creators of our destiny and of the Universe. You have an unlimited supply of ideas. We are all connected and we are all One. Always remember that what you want is only a thought away. Set yourself to the same frequency as what you want by focusing on it as if it were an absolute fact.

Chapter 10 : The Secret to Life

You are the teacher who writes on your blackboard. All you need to do is feel good now. Use your newly discovered power, and you will attract even more power. THE END

Source :

Peluang Usaha Bakery

 Makalah Softskill

“ Peluang Usaha Bakery ”
Nama                   : Rica Purnama Sari

Kelas                    : 2SA02

NPM                    : 18611369


I.  Latar Belakang
Memasuki bidang bisnis pembuatan kue bisa jadi salah satu pilihan untuk kaum wanita yang mau berwiraswasta atau memulai usaha atau bisa juga dicoba oleh ibu rumah tangga yang ingin mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Bisnis ini sangat cocok dijalankan karna tidak banyak memakan waktu dan sangat efisien.  Untuk mencobanya tidak terlalu sulit karna ternyata ada banyak kemudahan dalam usaha yang satu ini.
Jika terjadi krisis ekonomi bisnis ini tetap berjalan, sebab bagaimanapun manusia membutuhkan makanan untuk kelangsungan hidup. Banyak pengusaha yang sukses menekuni bisnis ini karena ketekunan, strategi yang baik, kreativitas, mereka bisa menikmati hasil yang baik.
II.      Tujuan kegiatan
Adapun tujuan didirikannya usaha kue ini adalah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan atau penghasilan bagi si pemilik usaha, untuk mengembangkan hobi yang dimiliki oleh pemiliknya, Untuk memperkenalkan berbagai macam kue-kue kepada masyarakat dan memudahkan masyarakat untuk tidak repot dalam membuat kue. karena adanya peluang usaha didaerah tempat tinggalnya.


I.     Jenis Usaha
Dalam usaha Toko Kue RIFICA menjual berbagai macam kue ulang tahun, kue basah, dan aneka kue kering. Harga kue basah maupun kue kering  rata-rata sebesar Rp 2.000,00 sampai Rp 3.000,00 dan harga cake rata-rata sebesar Rp 80.000 – Rp 200.000,-
Macam – macam kue basah dan kue kering yang dijual antara lain :
- kue basah :
1. Lemper/Semar mendem
2. Risoles Sayur
3. Pastel
4. kue pisang
5.kue lapis
-          Kue kering :
1.       Pakis
2.       Egg Roll/Risol Amerika
3.       Nastar
4.       Kue putri salju
5.       Kastengel
-          Cake :
1.       Banana cake
2.       Cheese cake
3.       Birthday cake
4.       Rainbow cake
5.       Chocolate cake
6.       Tiramisu cake

I.     Modal Usaha
Modal usaha yang diperlukan dalam mendirikan Toko Kue RIFICA yaitu :
a. Modal untuk pembelian bahan baku sebesar ± Rp. 3.000.000,00
b. Modal untuk pembelian peralatan sebesar ± Rp. 6.000.000,00.
Peralatan ini terdiri dari :
- Mixer
- Oven
- Penggorangan
- Kompor
- Panci dll.

II.       Sumber Daya Manusia
Dalam Toko Kue RIFICA mempunyai pegawai sebanyak 8 orang yang terdiri dari 7 orang wanita dan 1 orang pria.
Tugas dari para pegawai tersebut diantaranya
- 2 orang bagian memasak
- 4orang bagian packing
- 2 orang bagian pengiriman kue

III.     Profit yang Dihasilkan Toko Kue RIFICA
Keuntungan yang diperoleh Toko Kue RIFICA selama 1 bulan cukup memadai, karena usaha ini menggunakan sistem pemesanan dan juga membuka toko.
Dibawah ini merupakan simulasi keuntungan usaha Toko Kue RIFICA:
Pendapatan Laba kotor Rp. 30.000.00,00
Pengeluaran yang terdiri dari:
- Bahan baku/bulan Rp. 8.500.000,00
- Tenaga kerja/bulan untuk 8 orang Rp. 5.000.000,00
- Sewa toko/bulan untuk 1 toko Rp. 1.000.000,00

Jadi total pengeluaran Rp. 14.500.000,-

Keuntungan Bersih sebesar Rp. 30.000.000,00 – Rp. 14.500.000,00 = Rp. 15.500.000,-

Jadi keuntungan bersih yang diperoleh sebesar Rp. Rp. 15.500.000,- keuntungan ini tidak dapat diperoleh setiap bulannya karena penjualan setiap bulan berbeda-beda kadang tinggi, kadang rendah jadi tidak dapat dipastikan.

I.        Pemasaran Toko Kue RIFICA

Adapun pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Toko Kue RIFICA  ini yaitu:
1. Dengan cara membuka toko sebanyak 1 toko.
2. Dengan cara menerima pesanan kue dalam acara besar maupun dalam acara kecil
Pesanan ini biasanya untuk acara ulang tahun, pernikahan, dll.
3.  Dalam hal pesanan sistem yang digunakan yaitu pembayaran dimuka secara langsung.
VI. Waktu dan tempat
-          Setiap hari pukul 07.00 – 21.00 WIB
-          Perumahan Griya kencana blok D, Cilebut-BOGOR


Toko Kue RIFICA selalu memberikan inovasi berbagai macam kue dan rasa yang baru sehingga para pelanggan tidak akan bosan karena kue yang dijual banyak variasinya. `selain itu toko kue rifica sangatlah luas dikalangan masyarakat. Ketidak bisaan masyarakat membuat kue yang enak dan lezat juga salah satu pendorong pelanggan dalam membeli kue di toko kami. Motivasi ini merupakan faktor peluang yang sangat jelas dalam analisis bisnis toko kue ini.
Modal awal yang tidak lumayan besar dengan penghasilan yang sangat lumayan di kedepanya bisa menjadikan pilihan and dalam berbisnis .

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