Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

# 34 methodology

1.  What are the differences between Grammar Translation Method   (GMT) and Direct Method in language teaching ?

The difference between The Grammar Translation and Direct Method is the goals of the teachers using them. In Grammar translation method the teacher is to help the students read and appreciate literature written in the target language. The grammatical translation method focus was on grammatical rules, the memorization of vocabulary and of various declensions and conjugations, translations of texts, doing written exercises.
Grammar Translation Method class, students are taught to translate from one language to another. They are also asked to memorize the native language equivalents for the target language vocabulary words.

On the contrary, Direct method using a short way in translate without attend to language structure and grammatical language, and the teacher attends to the students learn how to communicate in the target language. Direct method is the teacher teach directly to the student to help the student understanding the target meaning through picture, imitate sound, flash card etc.

2.  What is baroque music !explain with your own word ?

Baroque music is a style of Western art music composed from approximately 1600 to 1750. Baroque Music is a style of European Classical Music. You can understand what baroque is, you must listen to the great baroque composers. If you listen to a lot of baroque music you will begin to recognise the style, even if you can’t describe it. And if you study the music very carefully you will begin to notice common features. Baroque music, it could be for pregnant women.

3. What do you know about the method of  language teaching ?

Method of language teaching is a language plan that includes the selection, determination, and preparation of materials to be systematically taught, as well as the possibility of procurement remedies and how its development. Method of language is The way of steps for language teaching.

4. Mention the benefits of grammar translation method in language teaching ?

§  Easiest for teachers to use
§  Does not require teachers to speak good English or make good lesson preparations.
§  Only uses the textbook
§  Least stressful for students-teaching occurs in the first language
§  Students learn the new language without contact with native speakers.

5. What is the difference between method and technique in language teaching ?

·       Teaching Method is the principles and methods of instruction, the way of doing something to teach
·       Method is the practical of the objective of teaching in the classroom in a variety of audiences and contexts. The objects are related to material, sequencing, teacher-student roles and behaviors, linguistic and subject-matter objectives.
·       Technique is use used many ways. it depends what kind of students , you are writing for or what you are writting about


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